Module Objectives
Download PdfThe general objective of the Module Jean Monnet “MULTILINGUALISM AND MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION” is two-fold:
(i) To incorporate knowledge on the approach and initiatives that promote multilingualism and multilingual education of the EU among university students of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social work of the University of Lleida (Catalonia - Spain)
(ii) To foster the dialogue on the value of multilingualism and multilingual education between academia, educational and linguistic authorities, practitioners, and society at large.
To achieve these objectives, in first place the Teaching Activity “MULTILINGUALISM AND EDUCATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION” will be carried out with 40 students of the Teaching Education Degree and Psychology Degree (Educational Psychology) of the University of Lleida (Catalonia - Spain). In second place, meetings and seminars will be held with authorities and practitioners in the educational and linguistic fields of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) and with the heads of associations/institutions involved in the promotion and
defence of multilingualism.
The impact of the expected results can be structured in several scales directly related with the target groups. In this sense, students will benefit from getting to know the European multilingual reality and multilingual education axes. Furthermore, authorities and practitioners
in the linguistic and educational field of Catalonia, and other institutions that promote multilingualism will benefit from the collection, discussion and knowledge created of the topics of interest.
This work, in conjunction with the dissemination and deliverables produced (Website / Knowledge-Corner / a Good Practices Guide / MINIBOOK), will raise awareness of the importance of the value of multilingualism and multilingual education in society at large.